
Genie [16] is an agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm that links clusters minding that the Gini index (a measure of inequality used in, amongst others, economics) of the cluster sizes should not go too far above a given threshold. If this happens, instead of merging two closest clusters, a smallest cluster is joined with its nearest neighbour.

In the following sections, we will show that Genie might outperform other popular methods in terms of clustering quality and speed.

Here are a few examples of basic interactions with the Python version of the genieclust [11] package, which can be installed from PyPI, e.g., via a call to pip3 install genieclust from the command line.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import genieclust

Breaking the Ice

Let’s load an example benchmark set, jain [21], which comes with the true corresponding partition (as assigned by experts).

# see
dataset = "jain"
# Load an example 2D dataset:
X = np.loadtxt("" % dataset, ndmin=2)

# Load the corresponding reference labels. The original labels are in {1,2,..,k}.
# We will make them more Python-ish by subtracting 1.
labels_true = np.loadtxt("%s.labels0.gz" % dataset, dtype=np.intp)-1

# The number of unique labels gives the true cluster count:
n_clusters = len(np.unique(labels_true))

A scatter plot of the dataset together with the reference labels:

genieclust.plots.plot_scatter(X, labels=labels_true)
plt.title("%s (n=%d, true n_clusters=%d)" % (dataset, X.shape[0], n_clusters))

Figure 1 Reference labels.

Let us apply the Genie algorithm (with the default/recommended gini_threshold parameter value). The genieclust package’s interface is compatible with the one from the popular scikit-learn library [31]. In particular, an object of class Genie is equipped with the fit and fit_predict methods [1].

g = genieclust.Genie(n_clusters=n_clusters)
labels_genie = g.fit_predict(X)

For more details, see the documentation of the genieclust.Genie class.

Plotting of the discovered partition:

genieclust.plots.plot_scatter(X, labels=labels_genie)
plt.title("Genie (gini_threshold=%g)" % g.gini_threshold)

Figure 2 Labels predicted by Genie.

Very nice. Great success.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but numbers are worth millions of pictures. We can compare the resulting clustering with the reference one by computing, for example, the confusion matrix.

# Compute the confusion matrix (with pivoting)
genieclust.compare_partitions.normalized_confusion_matrix(labels_true, labels_genie)
## array([[276,   0],
##        [  0,  97]])

The above confusion matrix can be summarised by means of partition similarity measures, such as the adjusted Rand index (ar).

# See also: sklearn.metrics.adjusted_rand_score()
genieclust.compare_partitions.adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels_genie)
## 1.0

This denotes a perfect match between these two.

A Comparison with k-means

For the sake of comparison, let us apply the k-means algorithm on the same dataset.

import sklearn.cluster
km = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters)
labels_kmeans = km.fit_predict(X)
genieclust.plots.plot_scatter(X, labels=labels_kmeans)

Figure 3 Labels predicted by k-means.

It is well known that the k-means algorithm can only split the input space into convex regions (compare the notion of the Voronoi diagrams, so we should not be very surprised with this result.

# Compute the confusion matrix for the k-means output:
genieclust.compare_partitions.normalized_confusion_matrix(labels_true, labels_kmeans)
## array([[197,  79],
##        [  1,  96]])
# A cluster similarity measure for k-means:
genieclust.compare_partitions.adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels_kmeans)
## 0.3241080446115835

The adjusted Rand score of \(\sim 0.3\) indicates a far-from-perfect fit.

A Comparison with HDBSCAN*

Let’s also make a comparison against a version of the DBSCAN [7, 24] algorithm. The original DBSCAN relies on a somewhat magical eps parameter, which might be hard to tune in practice. However, the hdbscan package [26] implements its robustified variant [2], which makes the algorithm much more user-friendly.

Here are the clustering results with the min_cluster_size parameter of 3, 5, 10, and 15:

import hdbscan
mcs = [3, 5, 10, 15]
for i in range(len(mcs)):
    h = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=mcs[i])
    labels_hdbscan = h.fit_predict(X)
    plt.subplot(2, 2, i+1)
    genieclust.plots.plot_scatter(X, labels=labels_hdbscan)
    plt.title("HDBSCAN (min_cluster_size=%d)" % h.min_cluster_size)

Figure 4 Labels predicted by HDBSCAN*.

Side note. Gray plotting symbols denote “noise” points — we’ll get back to them in another section; it turns out that the Genie algorithm is also equipped with such a feature (on demand).

In HDBSCAN*, min_cluster_size affects the “granularity” of the obtained clusters. Its default value is set to:

## 5

Unfortunately, we cannot easily guess how many clusters will be generated by this method. At first glance, it would seem that min_cluster_size should lie somewhere between 10 and 15, but…

mcs = range(10, 16)
for i in range(len(mcs)):
    h = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=mcs[i])
    labels_hdbscan = h.fit_predict(X)
    plt.subplot(3, 2, i+1)
    genieclust.plots.plot_scatter(X, labels=labels_hdbscan)
    plt.title("HDBSCAN (min_cluster_size=%d)"%h.min_cluster_size)

Figure 5 Labels predicted by HDBSCAN*.

Strangely enough, min_cluster_size of \(11\) generates four clusters, whereas \(11\pm 1\) yields only three point groups.

On the other hand, the Genie algorithm belongs to the group of hierarchical agglomerative methods. By definition, it can generate a sequence of nested partitions, which means that by increasing n_clusters, we split one and only one cluster into two subgroups. This makes the resulting partitions more stable.

ncl = range(2, 8)
for i in range(len(ncl)):
    g = genieclust.Genie(n_clusters=ncl[i])
    labels_genie = g.fit_predict(X)
    plt.subplot(3, 2, i+1)
    genieclust.plots.plot_scatter(X, labels=labels_genie)
    plt.title("Genie (n_clusters=%d)"%(g.n_clusters,))

Figure 6 Labels predicted by Genie.


Dendrogram plotting is possible with scipy.cluster.hierarchy:

import scipy.cluster.hierarchy
g = genieclust.Genie(compute_full_tree=True)
linkage_matrix = np.column_stack([g.children_, g.distances_, g.counts_])
    show_leaf_counts=False, no_labels=True)
## Genie(compute_full_tree=True)
## {'icoord': [[5.0, 5.0, 15.0, 15.0], [45.0, 45.0, 55.0, 55.0], [35.0, 35.0, 50.0, 50.0], [25.0, 25.0, 42.5, 42.5], [33.75, 33.75, 65.0, 65.0], [49.375, 49.375, 75.0, 75.0], [10.0, 10.0, 62.1875, 62.1875], [85.0, 85.0, 95.0, 95.0], [90.0, 90.0, 105.0, 105.0], [115.0, 115.0, 125.0, 125.0], [97.5, 97.5, 120.0, 120.0], [135.0, 135.0, 145.0, 145.0], [140.0, 140.0, 155.0, 155.0], [108.75, 108.75, 147.5, 147.5], [165.0, 165.0, 175.0, 175.0], [170.0, 170.0, 185.0, 185.0], [215.0, 215.0, 225.0, 225.0], [205.0, 205.0, 220.0, 220.0], [195.0, 195.0, 212.5, 212.5], [177.5, 177.5, 203.75, 203.75], [245.0, 245.0, 255.0, 255.0], [235.0, 235.0, 250.0, 250.0], [190.625, 190.625, 242.5, 242.5], [128.125, 128.125, 216.5625, 216.5625], [36.09375, 36.09375, 172.34375, 172.34375], [295.0, 295.0, 305.0, 305.0], [285.0, 285.0, 300.0, 300.0], [275.0, 275.0, 292.5, 292.5], [265.0, 265.0, 283.75, 283.75], [315.0, 315.0, 325.0, 325.0], [274.375, 274.375, 320.0, 320.0], [335.0, 335.0, 345.0, 345.0], [297.1875, 297.1875, 340.0, 340.0], [365.0, 365.0, 375.0, 375.0], [355.0, 355.0, 370.0, 370.0], [385.0, 385.0, 395.0, 395.0], [405.0, 405.0, 415.0, 415.0], [425.0, 425.0, 435.0, 435.0], [445.0, 445.0, 455.0, 455.0], [485.0, 485.0, 495.0, 495.0], [475.0, 475.0, 490.0, 490.0], [465.0, 465.0, 482.5, 482.5], [450.0, 450.0, 473.75, 473.75], [430.0, 430.0, 461.875, 461.875], [410.0, 410.0, 445.9375, 445.9375], [390.0, 390.0, 427.96875, 427.96875], [362.5, 362.5, 408.984375, 408.984375], [515.0, 515.0, 525.0, 525.0], [505.0, 505.0, 520.0, 520.0], [535.0, 535.0, 545.0, 545.0], [512.5, 512.5, 540.0, 540.0], [555.0, 555.0, 565.0, 565.0], [560.0, 560.0, 575.0, 575.0], [526.25, 526.25, 567.5, 567.5], [385.7421875, 385.7421875, 546.875, 546.875], [318.59375, 318.59375, 466.30859375, 466.30859375], [104.21875, 104.21875, 392.451171875, 392.451171875], [585.0, 585.0, 595.0, 595.0], [605.0, 605.0, 615.0, 615.0], [610.0, 610.0, 625.0, 625.0], [590.0, 590.0, 617.5, 617.5], [635.0, 635.0, 645.0, 645.0], [655.0, 655.0, 665.0, 665.0], [640.0, 640.0, 660.0, 660.0], [685.0, 685.0, 695.0, 695.0], [675.0, 675.0, 690.0, 690.0], [682.5, 682.5, 705.0, 705.0], [715.0, 715.0, 725.0, 725.0], [693.75, 693.75, 720.0, 720.0], [735.0, 735.0, 745.0, 745.0], [740.0, 740.0, 755.0, 755.0], [706.875, 706.875, 747.5, 747.5], [650.0, 650.0, 727.1875, 727.1875], [603.75, 603.75, 688.59375, 688.59375], [785.0, 785.0, 795.0, 795.0], [775.0, 775.0, 790.0, 790.0], [765.0, 765.0, 782.5, 782.5], [825.0, 825.0, 835.0, 835.0], [815.0, 815.0, 830.0, 830.0], [822.5, 822.5, 845.0, 845.0], [833.75, 833.75, 855.0, 855.0], [805.0, 805.0, 844.375, 844.375], [865.0, 865.0, 875.0, 875.0], [870.0, 870.0, 885.0, 885.0], [824.6875, 824.6875, 877.5, 877.5], [773.75, 773.75, 851.09375, 851.09375], [895.0, 895.0, 905.0, 905.0], [900.0, 900.0, 915.0, 915.0], [907.5, 907.5, 925.0, 925.0], [812.421875, 812.421875, 916.25, 916.25], [955.0, 955.0, 965.0, 965.0], [945.0, 945.0, 960.0, 960.0], [935.0, 935.0, 952.5, 952.5], [864.3359375, 864.3359375, 943.75, 943.75], [646.171875, 646.171875, 904.04296875, 904.04296875], [248.3349609375, 248.3349609375, 775.107421875, 775.107421875], [975.0, 975.0, 985.0, 985.0], [1005.0, 1005.0, 1015.0, 1015.0], [995.0, 995.0, 1010.0, 1010.0], [980.0, 980.0, 1002.5, 1002.5], [1045.0, 1045.0, 1055.0, 1055.0], [1035.0, 1035.0, 1050.0, 1050.0], [1025.0, 1025.0, 1042.5, 1042.5], [1033.75, 1033.75, 1065.0, 1065.0], [1085.0, 1085.0, 1095.0, 1095.0], [1115.0, 1115.0, 1125.0, 1125.0], [1135.0, 1135.0, 1145.0, 1145.0], [1120.0, 1120.0, 1140.0, 1140.0], [1105.0, 1105.0, 1130.0, 1130.0], [1117.5, 1117.5, 1155.0, 1155.0], [1165.0, 1165.0, 1175.0, 1175.0], [1170.0, 1170.0, 1185.0, 1185.0], [1205.0, 1205.0, 1215.0, 1215.0], [1210.0, 1210.0, 1225.0, 1225.0], [1195.0, 1195.0, 1217.5, 1217.5], [1177.5, 1177.5, 1206.25, 1206.25], [1136.25, 1136.25, 1191.875, 1191.875], [1090.0, 1090.0, 1164.0625, 1164.0625], [1075.0, 1075.0, 1127.03125, 1127.03125], [1235.0, 1235.0, 1245.0, 1245.0], [1255.0, 1255.0, 1265.0, 1265.0], [1260.0, 1260.0, 1275.0, 1275.0], [1267.5, 1267.5, 1285.0, 1285.0], [1305.0, 1305.0, 1315.0, 1315.0], [1310.0, 1310.0, 1325.0, 1325.0], [1295.0, 1295.0, 1317.5, 1317.5], [1276.25, 1276.25, 1306.25, 1306.25], [1240.0, 1240.0, 1291.25, 1291.25], [1101.015625, 1101.015625, 1265.625, 1265.625], [1049.375, 1049.375, 1183.3203125, 1183.3203125], [991.25, 991.25, 1116.34765625, 1116.34765625], [1345.0, 1345.0, 1355.0, 1355.0], [1335.0, 1335.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], [1342.5, 1342.5, 1365.0, 1365.0], [1385.0, 1385.0, 1395.0, 1395.0], [1390.0, 1390.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], [1375.0, 1375.0, 1397.5, 1397.5], [1435.0, 1435.0, 1445.0, 1445.0], [1440.0, 1440.0, 1455.0, 1455.0], [1475.0, 1475.0, 1485.0, 1485.0], [1465.0, 1465.0, 1480.0, 1480.0], [1447.5, 1447.5, 1472.5, 1472.5], [1425.0, 1425.0, 1460.0, 1460.0], [1415.0, 1415.0, 1442.5, 1442.5], [1386.25, 1386.25, 1428.75, 1428.75], [1353.75, 1353.75, 1407.5, 1407.5], [1053.798828125, 1053.798828125, 1380.625, 1380.625], [1495.0, 1495.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], [1500.0, 1500.0, 1515.0, 1515.0], [1535.0, 1535.0, 1545.0, 1545.0], [1525.0, 1525.0, 1540.0, 1540.0], [1507.5, 1507.5, 1532.5, 1532.5], [1555.0, 1555.0, 1565.0, 1565.0], [1585.0, 1585.0, 1595.0, 1595.0], [1575.0, 1575.0, 1590.0, 1590.0], [1560.0, 1560.0, 1582.5, 1582.5], [1520.0, 1520.0, 1571.25, 1571.25], [1625.0, 1625.0, 1635.0, 1635.0], [1630.0, 1630.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], [1637.5, 1637.5, 1655.0, 1655.0], [1615.0, 1615.0, 1646.25, 1646.25], [1630.625, 1630.625, 1665.0, 1665.0], [1605.0, 1605.0, 1647.8125, 1647.8125], [1695.0, 1695.0, 1705.0, 1705.0], [1685.0, 1685.0, 1700.0, 1700.0], [1675.0, 1675.0, 1692.5, 1692.5], [1626.40625, 1626.40625, 1683.75, 1683.75], [1715.0, 1715.0, 1725.0, 1725.0], [1720.0, 1720.0, 1735.0, 1735.0], [1745.0, 1745.0, 1755.0, 1755.0], [1750.0, 1750.0, 1765.0, 1765.0], [1727.5, 1727.5, 1757.5, 1757.5], [1655.078125, 1655.078125, 1742.5, 1742.5], [1545.625, 1545.625, 1698.7890625, 1698.7890625], [1217.2119140625, 1217.2119140625, 1622.20703125, 1622.20703125], [1785.0, 1785.0, 1795.0, 1795.0], [1775.0, 1775.0, 1790.0, 1790.0], [1825.0, 1825.0, 1835.0, 1835.0], [1830.0, 1830.0, 1845.0, 1845.0], [1815.0, 1815.0, 1837.5, 1837.5], [1826.25, 1826.25, 1855.0, 1855.0], [1805.0, 1805.0, 1840.625, 1840.625], [1782.5, 1782.5, 1822.8125, 1822.8125], [1865.0, 1865.0, 1875.0, 1875.0], [1895.0, 1895.0, 1905.0, 1905.0], [1900.0, 1900.0, 1915.0, 1915.0], [1885.0, 1885.0, 1907.5, 1907.5], [1870.0, 1870.0, 1896.25, 1896.25], [1935.0, 1935.0, 1945.0, 1945.0], [1925.0, 1925.0, 1940.0, 1940.0], [1955.0, 1955.0, 1965.0, 1965.0], [1960.0, 1960.0, 1975.0, 1975.0], [1967.5, 1967.5, 1985.0, 1985.0], [2005.0, 2005.0, 2015.0, 2015.0], [1995.0, 1995.0, 2010.0, 2010.0], [2002.5, 2002.5, 2025.0, 2025.0], [1976.25, 1976.25, 2013.75, 2013.75], [2035.0, 2035.0, 2045.0, 2045.0], [1995.0, 1995.0, 2040.0, 2040.0], [2017.5, 2017.5, 2055.0, 2055.0], [2065.0, 2065.0, 2075.0, 2075.0], [2036.25, 2036.25, 2070.0, 2070.0], [1932.5, 1932.5, 2053.125, 2053.125], [2085.0, 2085.0, 2095.0, 2095.0], [2090.0, 2090.0, 2105.0, 2105.0], [2115.0, 2115.0, 2125.0, 2125.0], [2135.0, 2135.0, 2145.0, 2145.0], [2140.0, 2140.0, 2155.0, 2155.0], [2120.0, 2120.0, 2147.5, 2147.5], [2133.75, 2133.75, 2165.0, 2165.0], [2175.0, 2175.0, 2185.0, 2185.0], [2205.0, 2205.0, 2215.0, 2215.0], [2210.0, 2210.0, 2225.0, 2225.0], [2195.0, 2195.0, 2217.5, 2217.5], [2206.25, 2206.25, 2235.0, 2235.0], [2220.625, 2220.625, 2245.0, 2245.0], [2255.0, 2255.0, 2265.0, 2265.0], [2232.8125, 2232.8125, 2260.0, 2260.0], [2180.0, 2180.0, 2246.40625, 2246.40625], [2149.375, 2149.375, 2213.203125, 2213.203125], [2275.0, 2275.0, 2285.0, 2285.0], [2280.0, 2280.0, 2295.0, 2295.0], [2181.2890625, 2181.2890625, 2287.5, 2287.5], [2097.5, 2097.5, 2234.39453125, 2234.39453125], [1992.8125, 1992.8125, 2165.947265625, 2165.947265625], [1883.125, 1883.125, 2079.3798828125, 2079.3798828125], [2305.0, 2305.0, 2315.0, 2315.0], [2325.0, 2325.0, 2335.0, 2335.0], [2330.0, 2330.0, 2345.0, 2345.0], [2337.5, 2337.5, 2355.0, 2355.0], [2346.25, 2346.25, 2365.0, 2365.0], [2310.0, 2310.0, 2355.625, 2355.625], [1981.25244140625, 1981.25244140625, 2332.8125, 2332.8125], [1802.65625, 1802.65625, 2157.032470703125, 2157.032470703125], [1419.70947265625, 1419.70947265625, 1979.8443603515625, 1979.8443603515625], [2385.0, 2385.0, 2395.0, 2395.0], [2375.0, 2375.0, 2390.0, 2390.0], [2405.0, 2405.0, 2415.0, 2415.0], [2382.5, 2382.5, 2410.0, 2410.0], [2435.0, 2435.0, 2445.0, 2445.0], [2465.0, 2465.0, 2475.0, 2475.0], [2455.0, 2455.0, 2470.0, 2470.0], [2440.0, 2440.0, 2462.5, 2462.5], [2425.0, 2425.0, 2451.25, 2451.25], [2485.0, 2485.0, 2495.0, 2495.0], [2490.0, 2490.0, 2505.0, 2505.0], [2438.125, 2438.125, 2497.5, 2497.5], [2515.0, 2515.0, 2525.0, 2525.0], [2467.8125, 2467.8125, 2520.0, 2520.0], [2396.25, 2396.25, 2493.90625, 2493.90625], [2545.0, 2545.0, 2555.0, 2555.0], [2535.0, 2535.0, 2550.0, 2550.0], [2585.0, 2585.0, 2595.0, 2595.0], [2575.0, 2575.0, 2590.0, 2590.0], [2565.0, 2565.0, 2582.5, 2582.5], [2542.5, 2542.5, 2573.75, 2573.75], [2605.0, 2605.0, 2615.0, 2615.0], [2635.0, 2635.0, 2645.0, 2645.0], [2625.0, 2625.0, 2640.0, 2640.0], [2610.0, 2610.0, 2632.5, 2632.5], [2558.125, 2558.125, 2621.25, 2621.25], [2445.078125, 2445.078125, 2589.6875, 2589.6875], [2655.0, 2655.0, 2665.0, 2665.0], [2660.0, 2660.0, 2675.0, 2675.0], [2695.0, 2695.0, 2705.0, 2705.0], [2700.0, 2700.0, 2715.0, 2715.0], [2685.0, 2685.0, 2707.5, 2707.5], [2696.25, 2696.25, 2725.0, 2725.0], [2667.5, 2667.5, 2710.625, 2710.625], [2765.0, 2765.0, 2775.0, 2775.0], [2755.0, 2755.0, 2770.0, 2770.0], [2745.0, 2745.0, 2762.5, 2762.5], [2735.0, 2735.0, 2753.75, 2753.75], [2689.0625, 2689.0625, 2744.375, 2744.375], [2517.3828125, 2517.3828125, 2716.71875, 2716.71875], [2805.0, 2805.0, 2815.0, 2815.0], [2795.0, 2795.0, 2810.0, 2810.0], [2785.0, 2785.0, 2802.5, 2802.5], [2825.0, 2825.0, 2835.0, 2835.0], [2793.75, 2793.75, 2830.0, 2830.0], [2845.0, 2845.0, 2855.0, 2855.0], [2865.0, 2865.0, 2875.0, 2875.0], [2885.0, 2885.0, 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3690.0, 3690.0], [3682.5, 3682.5, 3705.0, 3705.0], [3715.0, 3715.0, 3725.0, 3725.0], [3693.75, 3693.75, 3720.0, 3720.0], [3637.5, 3637.5, 3706.875, 3706.875], [3565.0, 3565.0, 3672.1875, 3672.1875], [2992.288818359375, 2992.288818359375, 3618.59375, 3618.59375], [1699.7769165039062, 1699.7769165039062, 3305.4412841796875, 3305.4412841796875], [511.72119140625, 511.72119140625, 2502.609100341797, 2502.609100341797]], 'dcoord': [[0.0, 0.4609775245189667, 0.4609775245189667, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.4609775245189667, 0.4609775245189667, 0.46097731590270996], [0.4609775245189667, 0.4924430251121521, 0.4924430251121521, 0.0], [0.4924430251121521, 0.4924430251121521, 0.4924430251121521, 0.0], [0.4609775245189667, 0.5315083861351013, 0.5315083861351013, 0.4924430251121521], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5220153331756592, 0.5220153331756592, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.5220153331756592, 0.6020796895027161, 0.6020796895027161, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.49497392773628235, 0.49497392773628235, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.49497392773628235, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.5700885653495789, 0.6020796895027161, 0.6020796895027161, 0.46097731590270996], [0.6020796895027161, 0.6964208483695984, 0.6964208483695984, 0.6020796895027161], [0.5315083861351013, 0.8062250018119812, 0.8062250018119812, 0.6964208483695984], [0.0, 0.41231030225753784, 0.41231030225753784, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.41231030225753784], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.4609775245189667, 0.4609775245189667, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.3640057146549225, 0.3640057146549225, 0.0], [0.4609775245189667, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.3640057146549225], [0.0, 0.474342405796051, 0.474342405796051, 0.0], [0.5099020004272461, 0.5315083861351013, 0.5315083861351013, 0.474342405796051], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.44721275568008423, 0.44721275568008423, 0.0], [0.0, 0.4527691900730133, 0.4527691900730133, 0.0], [0.0, 0.35355380177497864, 0.35355380177497864, 0.0], [0.0, 0.41231006383895874, 0.41231006383895874, 0.35355380177497864], [0.0, 0.43011656403541565, 0.43011656403541565, 0.41231006383895874], [0.4527691900730133, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.43011656403541565], [0.44721275568008423, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5220153331756592, 0.5220153331756592, 0.5099020004272461], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5220153331756592], [0.0, 0.3807896077632904, 0.3807896077632904, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.3807896077632904], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5220153331756592, 0.5220153331756592, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.4924435019493103, 0.4924435019493103, 0.0], [0.5220153331756592, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.4924435019493103], [0.5700885653495789, 0.7158898115158081, 0.7158898115158081, 0.5700885653495789], [0.5315083861351013, 0.8200621604919434, 0.8200621604919434, 0.7158898115158081], [0.8062250018119812, 1.0012491941452026, 1.0012491941452026, 0.8200621604919434], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.29154741764068604, 0.29154741764068604, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.29154741764068604], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.40311193466186523, 0.40311193466186523, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5220153331756592, 0.5220153331756592, 0.40311193466186523], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.5220153331756592, 0.6020800471305847, 0.6020800471305847, 0.46097731590270996], [0.5099020004272461, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.6020800471305847], [0.5099020004272461, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.618464469909668], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.40311455726623535, 0.40311455726623535, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.40311455726623535], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.5700885653495789], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.47434255480766296, 0.47434255480766296, 0.0], [0.47434255480766296, 0.5000010132789612, 0.5000010132789612, 0.0], [0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.5000010132789612], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.46097731590270996], [0.6403121948242188, 0.9300532937049866, 0.9300532937049866, 0.618464469909668], [1.0012491941452026, 1.1401758193969727, 1.1401758193969727, 0.9300532937049866], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5220153331756592, 0.5220153331756592, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3201560974121094, 0.3201560974121094, 0.0], [0.0, 0.31622716784477234, 0.31622716784477234, 0.0], [0.0, 0.25000038743019104, 0.25000038743019104, 0.0], [0.31622716784477234, 0.3535533845424652, 0.3535533845424652, 0.25000038743019104], [0.0, 0.4031127691268921, 0.4031127691268921, 0.3535533845424652], [0.4031127691268921, 0.4123121500015259, 0.4123121500015259, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3354101777076721, 0.3354101777076721, 0.0], [0.3354101777076721, 0.3535533845424652, 0.3535533845424652, 0.0], [0.0, 0.33540934324264526, 0.33540934324264526, 0.0], [0.33540934324264526, 0.3535518944263458, 0.3535518944263458, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3807888627052307, 0.3807888627052307, 0.3535518944263458], [0.3535533845424652, 0.3905126452445984, 0.3905126452445984, 0.3807888627052307], [0.4123121500015259, 0.42426300048828125, 0.42426300048828125, 0.3905126452445984], [0.3201560974121094, 0.4472135901451111, 0.4472135901451111, 0.42426300048828125], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.4472135901451111], [0.0, 0.35355380177497864, 0.35355380177497864, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3535536527633667, 0.3535536527633667, 0.0], [0.3535536527633667, 0.42719969153404236, 0.42719969153404236, 0.0], [0.42719969153404236, 0.42719969153404236, 0.42719969153404236, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3905126452445984, 0.3905126452445984, 0.0], [0.3905126452445984, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.42719969153404236, 0.47434255480766296, 0.47434255480766296, 0.46097731590270996], [0.35355380177497864, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.47434255480766296], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5099020004272461], [0.5220153331756592, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.5700885653495789], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.29154741764068604, 0.29154741764068604, 0.0], [0.29154741764068604, 0.3535518944263458, 0.3535518944263458, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.3535518944263458], [0.0, 0.29154741764068604, 0.29154741764068604, 0.0], [0.29154741764068604, 0.31622716784477234, 0.31622716784477234, 0.0], [0.0, 0.20615607500076294, 0.20615607500076294, 0.0], [0.0, 0.34999847412109375, 0.34999847412109375, 0.20615607500076294], [0.31622716784477234, 0.4272018074989319, 0.4272018074989319, 0.34999847412109375], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.4272018074989319], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668], [0.6403121948242188, 0.8200621604919434, 0.8200621604919434, 0.618464469909668], [0.0, 0.20615491271018982, 0.20615491271018982, 0.0], [0.20615491271018982, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.22360679507255554, 0.22360679507255554, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.22360679507255554], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.30413731932640076, 0.30413731932640076, 0.0], [0.0, 0.20615491271018982, 0.20615491271018982, 0.0], [0.0, 0.24999913573265076, 0.24999913573265076, 0.20615491271018982], [0.30413731932640076, 0.45277002453804016, 0.45277002453804016, 0.24999913573265076], [0.5700885653495789, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.45277002453804016], [0.0, 0.26925837993621826, 0.26925837993621826, 0.0], [0.26925837993621826, 0.35000038146972656, 0.35000038146972656, 0.0], [0.35000038146972656, 0.3807888627052307, 0.3807888627052307, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.3807888627052307], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.2692580223083496, 0.2692580223083496, 0.0], [0.0, 0.2999992370605469, 0.2999992370605469, 0.2692580223083496], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.2999992370605469], [0.46097731590270996, 0.6020800471305847, 0.6020800471305847, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.1999988555908203, 0.1999988555908203, 0.0], [0.1999988555908203, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.30413818359375, 0.30413818359375, 0.0], [0.30413818359375, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5408334136009216, 0.5408334136009216, 0.46097731590270996], [0.6020800471305847, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.5408334136009216], [0.6403121948242188, 0.7158898115158081, 0.7158898115158081, 0.6403121948242188], [0.8200621604919434, 0.8602331280708313, 0.8602331280708313, 0.7158898115158081], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.40311312675476074, 0.40311312675476074, 0.0], [0.40311312675476074, 0.4272001385688782, 0.4272001385688782, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.4272001385688782], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.20000076293945312, 0.20000076293945312, 0.0], [0.20000076293945312, 0.3535531759262085, 0.3535531759262085, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.3535531759262085], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.3201555013656616, 0.3201555013656616, 0.0], [0.3201555013656616, 0.33541128039360046, 0.33541128039360046, 0.0], [0.33541128039360046, 0.35355344414711, 0.35355344414711, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3162270188331604, 0.3162270188331604, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3201560974121094, 0.3201560974121094, 0.3162270188331604], [0.3201560974121094, 0.3605553209781647, 0.3605553209781647, 0.0], [0.35355344414711, 0.3905133605003357, 0.3905133605003357, 0.3605553209781647], [0.0, 0.38078728318214417, 0.38078728318214417, 0.0], [0.3905133605003357, 0.41231027245521545, 0.41231027245521545, 0.38078728318214417], [0.41231027245521545, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.2999992370605469, 0.2999992370605469, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.2999992370605469], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5099020004272461], [0.0, 0.2549509108066559, 0.2549509108066559, 0.0], [0.2549509108066559, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.14142155647277832, 0.14142155647277832, 0.0], [0.0, 0.32015669345855713, 0.32015669345855713, 0.0], [0.32015669345855713, 0.3535518944263458, 0.3535518944263458, 0.0], [0.14142155647277832, 0.38078904151916504, 0.38078904151916504, 0.3535518944263458], [0.38078904151916504, 0.46097666025161743, 0.46097666025161743, 0.0], [0.0, 0.25000065565109253, 0.25000065565109253, 0.0], [0.0, 0.21213318407535553, 0.21213318407535553, 0.0], [0.21213318407535553, 0.33541104197502136, 0.33541104197502136, 0.0], [0.0, 0.34999847412109375, 0.34999847412109375, 0.33541104197502136], [0.34999847412109375, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3905126452445984, 0.3905126452445984, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.4924435019493103, 0.4924435019493103, 0.3905126452445984], [0.25000065565109253, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.4924435019493103], [0.46097666025161743, 0.5315083861351013, 0.5315083861351013, 0.5099020004272461], [0.0, 0.18027718365192413, 0.18027718365192413, 0.0], [0.18027718365192413, 0.36400583386421204, 0.36400583386421204, 0.0], [0.5315083861351013, 0.55901700258255, 0.55901700258255, 0.36400583386421204], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.55901700258255], [0.5700885653495789, 0.6020796895027161, 0.6020796895027161, 0.5700885653495789], [0.5099020004272461, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6020796895027161], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3354097604751587, 0.3354097604751587, 0.0], [0.3354097604751587, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.46097731590270996], [0.6403121948242188, 0.6964208483695984, 0.6964208483695984, 0.5099020004272461], [0.5700885653495789, 0.6964208483695984, 0.6964208483695984, 0.6964208483695984], [0.8602331280708313, 1.0012491941452026, 1.0012491941452026, 0.6964208483695984], [0.0, 0.15811434388160706, 0.15811434388160706, 0.0], [0.0, 0.35355377197265625, 0.35355377197265625, 0.15811434388160706], [0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0], [0.35355377197265625, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.25], [0.0, 0.25495100021362305, 0.25495100021362305, 0.0], [0.0, 0.18027785420417786, 0.18027785420417786, 0.0], [0.0, 0.29154741764068604, 0.29154741764068604, 0.18027785420417786], [0.25495100021362305, 0.40311312675476074, 0.40311312675476074, 0.29154741764068604], [0.0, 0.4031144082546234, 0.4031144082546234, 0.40311312675476074], [0.0, 0.18027785420417786, 0.18027785420417786, 0.0], [0.18027785420417786, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.4031144082546234, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.3354101777076721, 0.3354101777076721, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.3354101777076721], [0.5099020004272461, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.5099020004272461], [0.0, 0.2999992370605469, 0.2999992370605469, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.2999992370605469], [0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0], [0.0, 0.41231024265289307, 0.41231024265289307, 0.25], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.41231024265289307], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.30413851141929626, 0.30413851141929626, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.30413851141929626], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.46097731590270996], [0.5700885653495789, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.5099020004272461], [0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188], [0.0, 0.3354101777076721, 0.3354101777076721, 0.0], [0.3354101777076721, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.26925909519195557, 0.26925909519195557, 0.0], [0.26925909519195557, 0.32015669345855713, 0.32015669345855713, 0.0], [0.0, 0.35355374217033386, 0.35355374217033386, 0.32015669345855713], [0.35355374217033386, 0.3605553209781647, 0.3605553209781647, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5700885653495789, 0.5700885653495789, 0.3605553209781647], [0.0, 0.2549508213996887, 0.2549508213996887, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.2549508213996887], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.5700885653495789, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.46097731590270996], [0.6403121948242188, 0.8062250018119812, 0.8062250018119812, 0.6403121948242188], [0.0, 0.29154765605926514, 0.29154765605926514, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.29154765605926514], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.42426636815071106, 0.42426636815071106, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.42426636815071106], [0.0, 0.40000009536743164, 0.40000009536743164, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.4301150143146515, 0.4301150143146515, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5000010132789612, 0.5000010132789612, 0.4301150143146515], [0.40000009536743164, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5000010132789612], [0.0, 0.25000065565109253, 0.25000065565109253, 0.0], [0.25000065565109253, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.24999848008155823, 0.24999848008155823, 0.0], [0.0, 0.26925837993621826, 0.26925837993621826, 0.24999848008155823], [0.0, 0.3807907998561859, 0.3807907998561859, 0.26925837993621826], [0.0, 0.430116206407547, 0.430116206407547, 0.3807907998561859], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.430116206407547], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.22360743582248688, 0.22360743582248688, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.4609775245189667, 0.4609775245189667, 0.22360743582248688], [0.0, 0.45277002453804016, 0.45277002453804016, 0.0], [0.0, 0.24999885261058807, 0.24999885261058807, 0.0], [0.24999885261058807, 0.3041378855705261, 0.3041378855705261, 0.0], [0.45277002453804016, 0.474342405796051, 0.474342405796051, 0.3041378855705261], [0.4609775245189667, 0.5220153331756592, 0.5220153331756592, 0.474342405796051], [0.46097731590270996, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.5220153331756592], [0.5099020004272461, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.618464469909668], [0.5099020004272461, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188, 0.6403121948242188], [0.8062250018119812, 0.8139402866363525, 0.8139402866363525, 0.6403121948242188], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3162265419960022, 0.3162265419960022, 0.0], [0.3162265419960022, 0.43011656403541565, 0.43011656403541565, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.43011656403541565], [0.0, 0.30414116382598877, 0.30414116382598877, 0.0], [0.30414116382598877, 0.40311089158058167, 0.40311089158058167, 0.0], [0.40311089158058167, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.46097731590270996], [0.5099020004272461, 0.618464469909668, 0.618464469909668, 0.5099020004272461], [0.0, 0.3535533845424652, 0.3535533845424652, 0.0], [0.0, 0.26925909519195557, 0.26925909519195557, 0.0], [0.0, 0.43011578917503357, 0.43011578917503357, 0.26925909519195557], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.43011578917503357], [0.0, 0.41231074929237366, 0.41231074929237366, 0.0], [0.0, 0.31622686982154846, 0.31622686982154846, 0.0], [0.41231074929237366, 0.44721487164497375, 0.44721487164497375, 0.31622686982154846], [0.0, 0.45277002453804016, 0.45277002453804016, 0.44721487164497375], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.45277002453804016], [0.0, 0.4472135901451111, 0.4472135901451111, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.4472135901451111], [0.46097731590270996, 0.4743407368659973, 0.4743407368659973, 0.46097731590270996], [0.46097731590270996, 0.49497392773628235, 0.49497392773628235, 0.4743407368659973], [0.0, 0.4609766900539398, 0.4609766900539398, 0.0], [0.49497392773628235, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.4609766900539398], [0.3535533845424652, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461, 0.5099020004272461], [0.0, 0.18027904629707336, 0.18027904629707336, 0.0], [0.0, 0.2549508213996887, 0.2549508213996887, 0.18027904629707336], [0.0, 0.20615607500076294, 0.20615607500076294, 0.0], [0.2549508213996887, 0.29154789447784424, 0.29154789447784424, 0.20615607500076294], [0.29154789447784424, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.0, 0.30413818359375, 0.30413818359375, 0.0], [0.0, 0.3535518944263458, 0.3535518944263458, 0.0], [0.0, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.3535518944263458], [0.0, 0.3905126452445984, 0.3905126452445984, 0.0], [0.0, 0.4527689814567566, 0.4527689814567566, 0.3905126452445984], [0.0, 0.45277002453804016, 0.45277002453804016, 0.4527689814567566], [0.45277002453804016, 0.46097731590270996, 0.46097731590270996, 0.0], [0.46097731590270996, 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Figure 7 Example dendrogram.

Another example:

    truncate_mode="lastp", p=15, orientation="left")
## {'icoord': [[5.0, 5.0, 15.0, 15.0], [25.0, 25.0, 35.0, 35.0], [10.0, 10.0, 30.0, 30.0], [45.0, 45.0, 55.0, 55.0], [20.0, 20.0, 50.0, 50.0], [65.0, 65.0, 75.0, 75.0], [70.0, 70.0, 85.0, 85.0], [77.5, 77.5, 95.0, 95.0], [105.0, 105.0, 115.0, 115.0], [110.0, 110.0, 125.0, 125.0], [117.5, 117.5, 135.0, 135.0], [126.25, 126.25, 145.0, 145.0], [86.25, 86.25, 135.625, 135.625], [35.0, 35.0, 110.9375, 110.9375]], 'dcoord': [[0.0, 0.8062250018119812, 0.8062250018119812, 0.0], [0.0, 0.8200621604919434, 0.8200621604919434, 0.0], [0.8062250018119812, 1.0012491941452026, 1.0012491941452026, 0.8200621604919434], [0.0, 0.9300532937049866, 0.9300532937049866, 0.0], [1.0012491941452026, 1.1401758193969727, 1.1401758193969727, 0.9300532937049866], [0.0, 0.8200621604919434, 0.8200621604919434, 0.0], [0.8200621604919434, 0.8602331280708313, 0.8602331280708313, 0.0], [0.8602331280708313, 1.0012491941452026, 1.0012491941452026, 0.0], [0.0, 0.8062250018119812, 0.8062250018119812, 0.0], [0.8062250018119812, 0.8139402866363525, 0.8139402866363525, 0.0], [0.8139402866363525, 0.9300532937049866, 0.9300532937049866, 0.0], [0.9300532937049866, 1.0012491941452026, 1.0012491941452026, 0.0], [1.0012491941452026, 1.1401758193969727, 1.1401758193969727, 1.0012491941452026], [1.1401758193969727, 2.516446590423584, 2.516446590423584, 1.1401758193969727]], 'ivl': ['(8)', '(18)', '(9)', '(23)', '(18)', '(21)', '(36)', '(16)', '(28)', '(60)', '(28)', '(13)', '(30)', '(45)', '(20)'], 'leaves': [682, 725, 681, 727, 715, 708, 714, 705, 728, 726, 723, 712, 719, 730, 721], 'color_list': ['C1', 'C1', 'C1', 'C1', 'C1', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C0'], 'leaves_color_list': ['C1', 'C1', 'C1', 'C1', 'C1', 'C1', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2', 'C2']}

Figure 8 Another example dendrogram.

For a list of graphical parameters, refer to the function’s manual.

Further Reading

For more details, refer to the package’s API reference manual: genieclust.Genie. To learn more about Python, check out Marek’s open-access (free!) textbook Minimalist Data Wrangling in Python [14].